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@CollegeFashionista !

Fun Fact!, Last semester I interned with the online fashion and lifestyle compository College Fashionista. College Fashionista is a website for college-aged style gurus, style influencers, and fashion lovers alike to share their current fashion and lifestyle inspirations and tips. This website is great because they have chapters for all of the major colleges/universities and the contributors partake in an online internship experience as representatives from their schools, writing articles and taking pictures of their peers. I took advantage of this opportunity to see what it would be like writing in fashion and pursuing a virtual internship experience. If you are a busy college student like myself, I recommend this program because you can work around both your class and social life schedules with great flexibility and the company offers various skill-building experiences and great perks. They Have an excellent team of extremely courteous and helpful individuals to help you along the way and address any and every concern you may have along the process - I was constantly in contact with them via email and they were awesome! Huge shout out to Sarah Darrow [Editorial Manager], Melissa Levin [Chief Operating Officer] and Sammy Luterbach Walsh [now former Brand Marketing Director] .Here are some of the articles I wrote during my time with college fashionista

As always dolls, Stay Fabulous!


-Miss Anon Fabulous

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